7 research outputs found


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    Deprivasi memiliki keterkaitan yang erat dengan terbentuknya eksklusi sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mencermati keterkaitan antara konsep deprivasi dengan eksklusi sosial. (2) mendeskripsikan eksklusi sosial pada sektor pendidikan. (3) dan menggambarkan keberhasilan pemerintah dalam menangani eksklusi sosial di sektor pendidikan menggunakan sudut pandang negara kesejahteraan. Metode yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif untuk menggambarkan fenomena eksklusi sosial yang dialami oleh kelompok rentan yang kesulitan untuk mengakses pendidikan. Riset ini didukung dengan studi literatur atau studi pustaka sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dan informasi yang berkenaan dengan eksklusi sosial di sektor pendidikan. Hasil riset ini menunjukkan bahwa deprivasi sangat mempengaruhi terjadinya eksklusi sosial di sektor pendidikan. Pemerintah telah mengupayakan untuk meminmalisir kesenjangan di dunia pendidikan dengan kebijakan dana BOS. Kebijakan tersebut perlu didukung dengan perluasan akses pendidikan bagi seluruh warga negara. Salah satu upaya yang dapat digunakan untuk memperkecil kesenjangan di sektor pendidikan adalah dengan menggalakkan pendidikan inklusi berbasis kesetaraan, keadialan, dan keterbukaan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat.  


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the various driving factors behind elderly women choosing jobs as parking attendants in West Aceh District. In addition, this study also aims to describe the socio-economic conditions of elderly women who work as parking attendants. Elderly women are a physically vulnerable group and can be targeted by criminals, such as fraud, violence, harassment, and discrimination. The theory used in this research is Coleman's rational choice. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that prioritizes in-depth interviews with informants to obtain information relevant to the research focus. Qualitative research methods are also very useful for describing research results. The results of this study indicate that elderly women choose jobs as parking attendants mostly due to less established economic conditions. They hope that working as a parking attendant can solve their economic problems and can improve their social welfare

    Meningkatkan Minat Kuliah pada Siswa Melalui Sosialisasi dan Motivasi di SMA Negeri 1 Woyla Barat

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    Increasing interest in lectures through outreach activities and providing motivation to students is an important thing to do. This activity is an important part of one of the obligations of lecturers who must carry out community service. The implementation of this activity is very much in line with the national development agenda in improving the quality of human resources through the education sector. The method of implementing this activity begins with observation and surveys to determine the condition of the school and the potential of students at SMAN 1 Woyla Barat, West Aceh District. The team conducted a pre test and post test to measure the accuracy and usefulness of the activity. The presenters explained material about tertiary institutions, selection pathways, scholarship information, inspirational stories, and motivation to increase students' insight and interest in continuing their education to tertiary institutions. The success of this activity was marked by the enthusiasm and positive response of the students who gave very good scores in the evaluation questionnaire. Activities like this need to be carried out in several underdeveloped areas so that students in those areas receive information about tertiary institutions and are motivated to continue their education at tertiary institutions

    Sosialisasi terhadap Pemberdayaan Remaja Putus Sekolah Di Gampong Suak Bilie Kabupaten Nagan Raya Melalui Pendidikan Entrepreneurship

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    The potential of adolescents in education has a huge influence on the development of a better social life, especially in the order of interaction in their daily lives. However, the problem of education equality is still a trigger for high levels of youth unemployment, including one of them in Gampong Suak Bilie. Different reasons for the problem of dropping out of school can be directed by empowering teenagers who drop out of school, this is due to the habits of teenagers who spend more time playing. The method of implementing youth empowerment is through socialization and mentoring adolescents who drop out of school. The results of this service found that adolescents in Gampong Suak Bilie have the potential to develop their interests, but the lack of resources and motivation that support to develop the potential of adolescents results in not accommodating the interests of adolescents

    Praktik Sosial Magersari Dalam Masyarakat Desa Hutan (Studi Etnometodologi Pada Lmdh Wonolestari Desa Tulungrejo, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu)

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang praktik sosial anggota LMDH Wonolestari dengan menggunakan mekanisme magersari dalam strategi pemanfaatan hutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan mejelaskan pelaksanaan pemanfaatan hutan dengan menggunakan mekanisme magersari yang dilakukan oleh anggota LMDH Wonolestari. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkaya kajian Sosiologi Lingkungan yang berkenaan dengan hubungan antara masyarakat dengan Perhutani dalam menerapkan strategi pemanfaatan hutan. Penelitian ini didukung dengan konsep magersasri yang difokuskan pada masyarakat Desa Tulungrejo yang tergabung dalam LMDH Wonolestari. Konsep magersasri memiliki aspek penting dalam strategi penyelamatan dan pemanfaatan hutan seperti metode penanaman, hak dan kewajiban, serta sistem bagi hasil. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan etnometodologi. Peneliti melakukan analisis percakapan dan gesture yang didasarkan pada hasil wawancara mendalam bersama informan dengan menggunakan indeksikalitas, refleksifitas, akuntabilitas, dan keanggotaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman anggota LMDH Wonolestari terhadap magersari dilakukan oleh Perhutani yang bekerjasama dengan Ketua LMDH Wonolestari melalui pelatihan penanaman dan rapat evaluasi. Pemahaman tersebut berkenaan dengan metode penanaman yang benar, kejelasan hak dan kewajiban, serta sistem bagi hasil. Ketiga aspek tersebut merupakan landasan kerjasama antara LMDH Wonolestari dengan Perhutani dalam melakukan pemanfaatan hutan. Peneliti menyarankan agar hubungan kerjasama antara LMDH dengan Perhutani tetap terjalin dan kejelasan aturan kerjasama perlu ditingkatkan agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman antara kedua pihak


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    This research aims to analyze empowerment in the rural tourism sector which relies on local communities who do not have experience in the tourism sector. The concept used in this research is empowering local communities that rely on local knowledge and culture. The method used in this research is a qualitative case study, thus prioritizing the novelty of the case and in-depth interviews with several informants. Several previous studies in Indonesia show that rural communities have not been able to take advantage of local potential, so there is still little research that shows the success of independent villages. The results of this study describe the success of rural communities in empowering local-based communities in the tourism sector. This research is useful as a reference for the success of local community empowerment. The Pantai Indah Peunaga Pasi rural tourism development began at the end of 2018 and continues to this day. Rural tourism development is in accordance with the concept of empowering local communities, which prioritizes the independent learning process. The local community involved in it relies heavily on local potential, knowledge, and culture. As a result, local communities can improve welfare without trying to preserve the environment.Riset ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemberdayaan pada sektor desa wisata yang bertumpu pada komunitas lokal yang tidak memiliki pengalaman di bidang kepariwisataan. Konsep yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah pemberdayaan komunitas lokal yang mengandalkan pengetahuan dan kebudayaan lokal. Metode yang digunakan dalam riset ini adalah kualitatif studi kasus, sehingga mengutamakan kebaruan kasus dan wawancara mendalam terhadap beberapa informan. Beberapa riset terdahulu di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat desa belum bisa memanfaatkan potensi lokal, sehingga masih sedikit riset yang menunjukkan keberhasilan desa mandiri. Hasil penelitian ini menguraikan tentang keberhasilan masyarakat pedesaan dalam pemberdayaan berbasis komunitas lokal pada sektor kepariwisataan. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk memperkaya referensi tentang keberhasilan penberdayaan komunitas lokal. Pengembangan desa wisata Pantai Indah Peunaga Pasi dimulai pada akhir 2018 dan masih berlangsung sampai saat ini. Pengembangan desa wisata tersebut sangat sesuai dengan konsep pemberdayaan komunitas lokal yang mengutamakan proses belajar secara mandiri. Komunitas lokal yang terlibat di dalamnya sangat mengandalkan potensi, pengetahuan, dan kebudayaan lokal. Komunitas lokal sebagai penyelenggara desa wisata mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan tanpa mengesampingkan upaya pelestarian lingkungan

    Home Industry sebagai Sarana Pemberdayaan Perempuan di Pulau Sabang

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    Gender inequality in the work environment is still a problem faced by various countries. This research aims to describe home industry as a means of empowering women to achieve gender equality and women's economic welfare. This research also aims to find common ground between local culture and women's empowerment and identify forms of government support. The benefit of this research is to voice gender equality in accessing economic resources and realizing economic prosperity for women. This research also contributes academically to enriching references for women's empowerment to achieve gender and economic equality. This study is supported by descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this research show that the home industry is very much in line with efforts to empower women to increase access to economic resources and minimize gender inequality. The female workers involved in home industry practices have contributed to fulfilling the family's living needs. Women's empowerment through the AG cake production house is supported by local culture which can show tolerance between religious communities. Even though the owner of the AG cake is a Christian, the production process uses methods and ingredients that do not conflict with the Islamic values of Sabang residents. Granting permits to produce AG cakes is a form of government support that provides legal protection for women's empowerment. This research needs to be continued with research that is able to integrate home industry, women's empowerment, and ecotourism to become a holistic study